Wednesday, March 12, 2014



     A flute is an instrument that is known worldwide for its high pitch sound. It is comprised of 3 parts, the headjoint, body, and the footjoint. It is silver and shiny like a brand new iPod 4. It is part of the woodwind family, and it's unique because it doesn't have a reed.It is one of the hardest instruments in the band because you have to memorize the fingerings of all the challenging notes, and you have to blow properly. The flute sings joyfully while you play.

    In my opinion, the flute is a great instrument. It is light to carry and fun to play. I had a flute for the past 3 years and had barely any struggles with it. One hardship I faced was the wires bending. There are little wires on the front of the flute which are easy to bend or break. So that's how I learned to be careful of breaking my flute. 

What's silver and has buttons all over it?

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